Strategy AND Implementation

Lucas (Robert) Hendrikse

After a 27-year career in the corporate world with DSM, supplemented by a decade of experience in the small and medium-sized business sector, both as an executive and a non-executive, I am now focusing on building a portfolio as an interim executive, non-executive, and advisor. It energizes me to use my experience, knowledge, and skills to assist organizations in achieving their goals or sharpening their objectives. My modesty and empathy serve as a strong foundation for quickly understanding the interests and dynamics within an organization, enabling me to provide added value swiftly. With my extensive experience in strategy, including its implementation, I can help identify opportunities and threats, and make the right strategic choices that are then put into action.

My primary focus is on B-to-B companies and non-profit organizations. The latter holds a special interest for me, considering my background as the founder of the now 11-year-old Lotje Foundation.  

  Dit laatste heeft mijn interesse gelet op mijn achtergrond als oprichter van de inmiddels 11 jaar oude Stichting Lotje.

Interim Management

With a diverse background in the international corporate world and small to medium-sized businesses, I can quickly grasp the intricacies of a business and assess its priorities. I have extensive experience in both turnaround processes and managing growth strategies. I take a hands-on approach with a strong emphasis on achieving tangible results. I'm enthusiastic about working as a team player. Ik heb veel ervaring met zowel turn-around processen als ook het managen van groei-strategieën. Ik heb een hands-on benadering met de focus op het te behalen resultaat. Graag doe ik dit als teamspeler.


With a track record of nearly ten years as a board member and also as a member of an Advisory Board, I understand the role I play in ensuring a healthy business operation. My original financial background also helps me in this. I focus on strategy (and its implementation) and organizational development, aiming for a well-rounded approach that combines advising and oversight. Mijn oorspronkelijke financiële achtergrond helpt mij hier ook. Mijn focus ligt op strategie(-implementatie) en organisatieontwikkeling waarbij ik een gezonde balans betracht tussen het adviseren en toezicht houden.


Having gone through numerous strategic processes, I can quickly assist in identifying opportunities and challenges and arriving at strategic options. This can potentially be done by utilizing a tool I've developed myself. I also consider the focus on a feasible implementation plan equally important. The advisory role can be tailored to your preferences. Eventueel kan dit door gebruik te maken van een mij eigen gemaakte tool. Ik vind de focus op een haalbaar implementatieplan overigens net zo relevant. De adviesrol kan naar wens op maat worden ingevuld.